325+ Text Message Abbreviations With Their Meanings (2024)

Discover 325+ text message abbreviations with their meanings to enhance your digital communication. Learn the most common shorthand used in texting, social media, and online chats.

325+ Text Message Abbreviations With Their Meanings (1)

Navigating the world of text messaging can be overwhelming, especially with so many text message abbreviations in use today. This list will help you understand and use common texting abbreviations effectively.

Table of Contents

What Are Text Message Abbreviations?

Text message abbreviations are shortened forms of words or phrases that you use to communicate more quickly in digital conversations. You see these abbreviations in texts, social media posts, and online chats.

They help you save time and space by condensing common phrases into just a few letters. For example, instead of typing “Be right back,” you might write “BRB.” These abbreviations make your messages more concise and easier to type, especially when you’re on the go.

325+ Common Text Message Abbreviations

With over 300 text abbreviations in this list, you’ll quickly recognize and use terms like “LOL,” “BRB,” or “ICYMI.” These abbreviations are widely used across social media, work, and casual conversations.

So, dive in and start decoding your text messages with ease!

  • AAF – As a friend
  • AAK – Alive and kicking
  • AAMOF – As a matter of fact
  • AAR – At any rate
  • AAS – Alive and smiling
  • ABT – About
  • ABT2 – About to
  • ADDY – Address
  • ADN – Any day now
  • AFAIC – As far as I’m concerned
  • AFAIK – As far as I know
  • AFK – Away from keyboard
  • AKA – Also known as
  • AMA – Ask me anything
  • AMAP – As much as possible
  • ASAP – As soon as possible
  • A/S/L – Age/sex/location?
  • ATM – At the moment
  • ATB – All the best
  • ATK – At the keyboard
  • AWC – After a while, crocodile
  • AYT – Are you there?
  • B/C – Because
  • B/W – Between
  • B2K – Back to keyboard
  • B4 – Before
  • B4N – Bye for now
  • BAE – Before anyone else
  • BAK – Back at keyboard
  • BBL – Be back later
  • BBM – Blackberry Messenger
  • BB4N – Bye-bye for now
  • BBB – Bye-bye-bye
  • BBS – Be back soon
  • BC – Be cool
  • BCNU – Be seeing you
  • BFD – Big freaking deal
  • BF – Boyfriend
  • BFF – Best friends forever
  • BFH – Boyfriend from hell
  • BFY – Boyfriend
  • BG – Big grin
  • BIL – Brother-in-law
  • BION – Believe it or not
  • BLNT – Better luck next time
  • BM – Bite me
  • BM&Y – Between me and you
  • BO – Back off
  • BOGO – Buy one get one
  • BOLO – Be on the lookout
  • BRB – Be right back
  • BRH – Be right here
  • BRINGIT – Bring it on
  • BRT – Be right there
  • BTW – By the way
  • BYOB – Bring your own beer
  • BYOC – Bring your own computer
  • BYOD – Bring your own device
  • C/P – Copy and paste
  • C-Note – $100 bill
  • C U L8R – See you later
  • C U @ – See you at
  • C U @ 8 – See you at eight
  • C U 2MORO – See you tomorrow
  • C U 2NITE – See you tonight
  • C U NEXT TUES – See you next Tuesday
  • C YA – See ya
  • C’YA – See ya
  • C2C – Coast to coast
  • CAM – Camera
  • CBA – Can’t be asked
  • CBF – Can’t be bothered
  • CC – Carbon copy
  • CF – Close friend
  • CG – Congratulations
  • COB – Close of business
  • CMON – Come on
  • CMIW – Correct me if I’m wrong
  • CRAFT – Can’t remember a freaking thing
  • CTFU – Cracking the f*** up
  • CUL – See you later
  • CWYL – Chat with you later
  • CYT – See you tomorrow
  • CTA – Call to action
  • DA – The
  • DAE – Does anyone else
  • DAK – Dead at keyboard
  • DBEYR – Don’t believe everything you read
  • DC – Don’t care
  • DGT – Don’t go there
  • DIAF – Die in a fire
  • DIKU – Do I know you?
  • DIS – Did I say
  • DIY – Do it yourself
  • DK – Don’t know
  • DL – Down low
  • DM – Direct message
  • DND – Do not disturb
  • DOA – Dead on arrival
  • DOB – Date of birth
  • DTR – Define the relationship
  • DTRT – Do the right thing
  • DWBH – Don’t worry, be happy
  • DYJHIW – Don’t you just hate it when
  • E123 – Easy as one, two, three
  • EAK – Eating at keyboard
  • ELI5 – Explain like I’m 5
  • EOD – End of day
  • EOL – End of life
  • ETA – Estimated time of arrival
  • EZ – Easy
  • FAQ – Frequently asked question
  • FB – Facebook
  • FBF – Flashback Friday
  • FBO – Facebook official
  • FFS – For f***’s sake
  • FML – F*** my life
  • FOMO – Fear of missing out
  • FOTD – Fact of the day
  • FTFY – Fixed that for you
  • FT – FaceTime
  • FTW – For the win
  • FUBAR – F***** up beyond all recognition
  • FWB – Friends with benefits
  • FWIW – For what it’s worth
  • FYEO – For your eyes only
  • FYI – For your information
  • G/F – Girlfriend
  • G2G – Got to go
  • GA – Go ahead
  • GAL – Get a life
  • GG – Good game
  • GGN – Gotta go now
  • GL – Good luck
  • GLHF – Good luck, have fun
  • GMTA – Great minds think alike
  • GOI – Get over it
  • GR8 – Great
  • GRWM – Get ready with me
  • GTFO – Get the f*** out
  • GTFOOH – Get the f*** out of here
  • GTG – Got to go
  • GTS – Good times
  • GWS – Get well soon
  • H8 – Hate
  • HAK – Hugs and kisses
  • HAND – Have a nice day
  • HF – Have fun
  • HBD – Happy birthday
  • HIFW – How I feel when
  • HMU – Hit me up
  • HMB – Hit me back
  • HRU – How are you?
  • HT – Hat tip
  • HTH – Hope that helps
  • HW – Homework
  • ICYMI – In case you missed it
  • IDC – I don’t care
  • IDGAF – I don’t give a f***
  • IDK – I don’t know
  • IKR – I know, right?
  • ILY – I love you
  • IMHO – In my humble opinion
  • IMO – In my opinion
  • IMU – I miss you
  • IRL – In real life
  • ISO – In search of
  • IYKYK – If you know, you know
  • IYKWIM – If you know what I mean
  • IYO – In your opinion
  • J/K – Just kidding
  • J4F – Just for fun
  • JAS – Just a second
  • JIC – Just in case
  • JK – Just kidding
  • JW – Just wondering
  • JSYK – Just so you know
  • JTLYK – Just to let you know
  • K – Okay
  • KEWL – Cool
  • KISS – Keep it simple, stupid
  • KK – Okay, cool
  • KL – Cool
  • KPC – Keeping parents clueless
  • L8 – Late
  • L8R – Later
  • LDR – Long-distance relationship
  • LMAO – Laughing my ass off
  • LMFAO – Laughing my f***ing ass off
  • LMK – Let me know
  • LMGTFY – Let me Google that for you
  • LOL – Laugh out loud
  • LOML – Love of my life
  • LQTM – Laughing quietly to myself
  • LTR – Long-term relationship
  • LTY – Love you
  • LY – Love you
  • M8 – Mate
  • MCM – Man crush Monday
  • MFW – My feeling when
  • MYOB – Mind your own business
  • N/A – Not applicable or not available
  • NBD – No big deal
  • NGL – Not gonna lie
  • NM – Never mind
  • NP – No problem
  • NSFW – Not safe for work
  • NT – Nice try
  • NVM – Never mind
  • NW – No way
  • OIC – Oh, I see
  • OMG – Oh my God
  • OMW – On my way
  • OP – Original post
  • OTP – One true pairing
  • OTOH – On the other hand
  • P2P – Peer to peer
  • P4P – Pay for play
  • PAW – Parents are watching
  • PEBKAC – Problem exists between keyboard and chair
  • PIC – Picture
  • PLZ – Please
  • PM – Private message
  • POV – Point of view
  • PDA – Public display of affection
  • PPL – People
  • PRT – Party
  • PRTY – Party
  • PST – Please send to
  • PTB – Please text back
  • QOTD – Quote of the day
  • QQ – Quick question
  • QSL – Reply
  • QT – Cutie
  • R – Are
  • RE – Regarding
  • RL – Real life
  • RLY – Really
  • RN – Right now
  • ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing
  • RT – Retweet
  • RU – Are you?
  • RUS – Are you serious?
  • S/F – See/follow
  • SFW – Safe for work
  • SMP – Social media platform
  • SMH – Shaking my head
  • SO – Significant other
  • SRY – Sorry
  • SSDD – Same stuff, different day
  • SUP – What’s up?
  • SYL – See you later
  • T4T – Thanks for trade
  • TBA – To be announced
  • TBD – To be decided
  • TBT – Throwback Thursday
  • TC – Take care
  • TFW – That feeling when
  • TGIF – Thank God it’s Friday
  • THX – Thanks
  • TIA – Thanks in advance
  • TIL – Today I learned
  • TL;DR – Too long; didn’t read
  • TMI – Too much information
  • TOU – Thinking of you
  • TTYL – Talk to you later
  • TY – Thank you
  • TYT – Take your time
  • U – You
  • UR – Your
  • UR2YS4ME – You’re too wise for me
  • UW – You’re welcome
  • V – Very
  • VBD – Very big deal
  • VVV – Very very very
  • W/ – With
  • W8 – Wait
  • W/B – Write back
  • WB – Welcome back
  • WBU – What about you?
  • WC – Welcome
  • WDW – Who dares wins
  • WDYT – What do you think?
  • WEG – Wicked evil grin
  • WFM – Works for me
  • WRT – With respect to
  • WTH – What the heck?
  • WTF – What the f**?
  • WTG – Way to go
  • WU – What’s up?
  • WUBU2 – What have you been up to?
  • WUU2 – What are you up to?
  • WYP – What’s your problem?
  • WYD – What you doing?
  • XOXO – Hugs and kisses
  • Y – Why?
  • Y/N – Yes/no
  • Y2K – Year 2000
  • YH – Yeah
  • YKWIM – You know what I mean
  • YMMV – Your mileage may vary
  • YOLO – You only live once
  • YR – Your
  • YW – You’re welcome
  • ZOMG – Oh my God (exaggerated)
  • 10Q – Thank you
  • 121 – One-to-one (private chat)
  • 1337 – Elite
  • 143 – I love you
  • 1CE – Once
  • 2B – To be
  • 2DAY – Today
  • 2MORO – Tomorrow
  • 2NITE – Tonight
  • 404 – Not found
  • 411 – Information
  • 4EAE – Forever and ever
  • 4EVA – Forever
  • 4GET – Forget
  • 4GM – Forgive me
  • 4U – For you
  • 4YEO – For your eyes only
  • 5FS – Five fingers salute
  • 86 – Over or out
  • 9 – Parent watching

Types of Text Message Abbreviations

Text message abbreviations come in various types, each serving a different purpose depending on the context of your conversation. Here are some of the main categories:

Understanding these types helps you better navigate and use text message abbreviations in your conversations.

  1. Acronyms: These are abbreviations formed from the initial letters of a phrase, like “LOL” (Laugh Out Loud) or “BRB” (Be Right Back). You use them to quickly convey common expressions.
  2. Initialisms: Similar to acronyms, initialisms also use the first letters of words, but you pronounce each letter separately. For example, “BTW” (By The Way) and “FYI” (For Your Information) fall into this category.
  3. Shortened Words: These are words shortened by dropping certain letters or syllables. You often see examples like “tho” (though) or “u” (you), which make typing faster.
  4. Numeronyms: These abbreviations incorporate numbers to represent certain sounds or letters, like “B4” (Before) or “GR8” (Great). They are a creative way to shorten common words.
  5. Slang and Internet Speak: Some abbreviations come from internet culture and slang, such as “ROFL” (Rolling On the Floor Laughing) or “SMH” (Shaking My Head). These add an informal or humorous tone to your messages.
  6. Business and Professional: In a work context, you might use abbreviations like “EOD” (End of Day) or “ASAP” (As Soon As Possible) to keep communication efficient and clear.

When To Use Text Message Abbreviations

You should use text message abbreviations when you want to communicate quickly and efficiently, especially in informal settings. Here are some situations where they are particularly useful:

  1. Casual Conversations: When texting friends or family, abbreviations like “LOL” (Laugh Out Loud) or “BRB” (Be Right Back) keep the conversation light and fast-paced.
  2. Limited Space: If you’re tweeting, posting on social media, or writing in a space with character limits, abbreviations help you convey your message concisely.
  3. Time-Sensitive Communication: When you’re in a hurry, abbreviations like “ASAP” (As Soon As Possible) or “OMW” (On My Way) allow you to quickly get your point across without typing out full phrases.
  4. Group Chats: In busy group messages, using abbreviations like “IDK” (I Don’t Know) or “TMI” (Too Much Information) helps you keep up with the conversation without slowing down the flow.
  5. Texting on the Go: When typing on a small screen or multitasking, abbreviations make it easier to send messages quickly with fewer keystrokes.

However, it’s important to consider your audience. In professional or formal settings, it’s usually better to avoid abbreviations unless you’re certain the recipient understands them and they are appropriate for the context.

How To Use Text Message Abbreviations

To use text message abbreviations effectively, follow these simple steps:

  1. Know Your Audience: Before using abbreviations, consider who you’re texting. It’s best to use them with people who are familiar with texting shorthand. Avoid abbreviations in formal or professional communication unless you know they are appropriate.
  2. Use Common Abbreviations: Stick to widely recognized abbreviations like “LOL” (Laugh Out Loud) or “BRB” (Be Right Back). This ensures that the recipient understands your message without confusion.
  3. Keep Context in Mind: Use abbreviations that fit the tone and context of your conversation. For example, “TTYL” (Talk To You Later) is perfect for ending a casual chat, while “FYI” (For Your Information) is useful in sharing information quickly.
  4. Be Selective: Don’t overuse abbreviations, as it can make your message hard to read. Balance your use of shorthand with full words to maintain clarity.
  5. Practice Brevity: Abbreviations are all about saving time and space. Use them when you need to be brief, such as in a quick text or a message with character limits.
  6. Stay Updated: Language evolves, and new abbreviations emerge regularly. Keep up with current trends to ensure your texts remain relevant and easily understood.

By following these guidelines and learning the text message abbreviations in our list, you can effectively incorporate text message abbreviations into your digital communication.

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James Prior

The founder of DoTEFL, James is passionate about helping others fulfill their dreams through teaching and traveling abroad.

James has been helping people teach English abroad for over twelve years. He’s traveled to over 30 countries, lived in 3, and taught English in Chile and online.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.